Prepare Wallets

To receive ASA OWNI tokens

1-Open your Algorand wallet — You can learn more about how to create a wallet here: Pera Wallet or My Algo Algorand Wallet

2. Connect to your wallet

On My Algo Algorand Wallet — Desktop

3. Find the option to Add Asset and click it

4. Search for either of the following in the search bar: - Asset ID: (To be annouced) - Token Symbol: OWNI

5. Ensure you click at the Ownify verified token and that it’s the correct Asset ID.

6. Once you find the OWNI token, click it Continue.

7. Click in Asset opt-in.

8. Type your password and click Send.

9.The opt-in transaction will be processed and the new asset added.

On Pera Wallet — Mobile

1. Click on “Create a new account” to add an account to your wallet.

You’ll go through a couple of screens that give you information about the backup process. ** Please read the following screens with caution so that you’re prepared to write down your passphrase and store it securely.**

2. Write down your Recovery Passphrase and verify it.

Your 25-word recovery passphrase is revealed in this step. WRITE ALL THE WORDS DOWN IN ORDER. Even if your device allows you to screenshot your recovery passphrase, PERA WALLET urges you to explore methods other than a photograph to store this important data.

3. Name your account.

In this step, you can name your account, it can help you keep track of different accounts and it’s completely optional but recommended.

4. Add OWNI Asset.

Search for either of the following in the search bar: - Asset ID: (To be annouced) - Token Symbol: OWNI

Last updated